Delwar Jahid, a renowned journalist, human rights organizer, and freedom fighter, has been elected as the Chairperson of the Special Projects Committee of Canada’s Step to Humanity Association. The appointment was announced by Moazzem Hossain, the general secretary of the association, citing the decision of the recent general meeting of the organization.
As the Chairperson of the special project committee on poverty reduction in 19 coastal regions of Bangladesh, Delwar Jahid will lead the project to improve the quality of life of the main victims of climate change through health and sanitation support, education, skill development, and training. The Coastal 19 Group of Bangladesh North American Journalists Network has been actively working at the grassroots level on the potential sector of the maritime economy in Bangladesh to advance the country towards building prosperity. The Step to Humanity Association has come forward with the idea of coordinated action at this stage.
Delwar Jahid, a Canadian expatriate writer, researcher, and journalist, is currently the president of the Bangladesh North American Journalists Network. His appointment as the Chairperson of the Special Projects Committee of Canada’s Step to Humanity Association is expected to contribute towards the efforts to address poverty and improve the livelihoods of coastal communities in Bangladesh affected by climate change.
On Monday evening, the general secretary of the Step to Humanity Association, Moazzem Hossain, announced the appointment citing the decision of the general meeting of the organization held recently.